Nidacon PureSperm 100 – 100 ml
For the preparation of density gradients
PureSperm® 100 is a sterile (autoclaved SAL-10-3) colloidal silica suspension in an isotonic salt solution. It is optimised for the preparation of density gradients for the separation and purification of human sperm for use in Assisted Reproduction Technologies (ART). This system effectively separates normal sperm from lymphocytes, epithelial cells, abnormal or immature sperm, cell debris, bacteria and seminal fluid.
- Increases sperm survival time
- Removes sources of ROS
- Removes bacteria
- Removes viral infectivity (e.g. HIV, hepatitis C)
- Removes sperm with abnormal DNA
- Improves cryo-survival
- Improves yield and recovery compared to swim-up techniques
- Safety and Quality
- Longest shelf life of commercially available gradients
- Pharmaceutical grade packaging to maintain product quality
- Lowest endotoxin levels
- Terminal sterilization by autoclaving
- Cleared by regulatory authorities around the world
- Produced according to cGMP and ISO standards
PureSperm® 100 stock suspension should be diluted with PureSperm® Buffer to provide layers of different densities required for the gradient. For optimum results, the sperm pellet should be washed in PureSperm® Wash. These three products together form an optimized system for preparation of sperm for ART.
Components & Features
Product insert (and use instructions) : PS100_Languages_BB15_P